Copyright Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Conference on the topic of “Multicultural policy of Azerbaijan, Intellectual Property and Armenian falsification” has been held

On 22nd April of current year with organizing of Copyright Agency conferences has been held on the topics of “World Book and Copyright Day” and “Multicultural policy of Azerbaijan, Intellectual Property and Armenian falsification” in Baku.

Chairman of Copyright Agency Mr. Kamran Imanov opened the Conference with welcoming address and stated that 23 April “World Book and Copyright Day” established by UNESCO is celebrated in Azerbaijan since 1997. Copyright Agency already celebrates 26 April “International IP Day” for 20 years established by World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

K. Imanov stressed that the year of 2016 has been announced “the Year of multiculturalism” in our country by the President of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev. He noted that political orders aimed to forming of modern multicultural society and based on political will of Azerbaijani Head of State tolerance tradition of Azerbaijani nation formed during centuries forms the opinion that “there is no alternative of multiculturalism” at the moment.

Referring to cultural rights “model” of Armenia, Mr. Kamran Imanov spoke about armenianism policy which inflates the rights of its own ethnos which is mono-ethnic in the country and denies cultural diversity, doesn’t recognize others cultural rights, human rights and approaches aggressively to such rights. He made a presentation on “Armenianism undermines other nation’s rights” topic and stressed that on the base of Armenianism policy there is political mythology, claims to other nation’s lands and cultural heritage, ethnic cleansing and xenophobia and “oppressions”, “exceptionality” and “special mission” of this nation is just propaganda.

In the report, referring to armenian authors in the books published in the past and recent years, their false considerations, fictions and forgery facts regarding history, geography and genetics have been indicated. Mr. Imanov stressed that besides those armenian authors fictions and forgeries are lie, they also damage honor and dignity of others, plot intellect, IP and culture, aimed to cast doubt on history of statehood and traditions. He added that armenian falsification has been unmasked and will continue to be unmasked from now on too. 

Addressing at the event, Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism Vagif Aliyev and the advisor ofAzerbaijani National Commission for UNESCO Gulnara Agalarova talked about importance of celebrating the days devoted to book, copyright and IP and highly appreciated the activity of Copyright Agency in this direction.

At the conference, the agency's expert Elshad Alili made a speech on the topic "Ararat mythology and about its role in Armenian historical ". After reports discussions were conducted around topics.

Members of Parliament, representatives of various state bodies, the National Academy of Sciences, universities, public organizations participated at the Conference.

